πŸ†•Creating a new product

Tips on creating new projects & protocols

Below are a few tips i've received from some smart people at the Solana hacker houses. I'll be fleshing these ideas out more over time, providing some of my own (low quality) insights.

Use existing infrastructure - don't reinvent the wheel. Ie Liquidity & Data

Interweave multiple contracts into one product

Beware of future Issues - regulatory headwinds, open sourcing

Crypto idealist - open source vs proprietary products. Need to balance between economics & ideals.

What best fits the market - Need to serve actual financial needs as apposed to speculative investment

Compete with traditional financial services

"Looking for the defi consolidator across all of the chains. Solanas competitive advantage is its computing power. Only the strongest chain will survive"

Look at Steen. It's about the application not the chain.

"Looking for a better rate" - is going off chain better?

Invention VS Innovation


Discovering & developing a new idea

Ie inventing the light bulb


Bringing the idea to market/consumers

Ie Making a new screw (to connect to a socket) for the bulb so it fits a larger number of houses, increasing the number of potential customers

User experience & interaction is the most important analysis of creating a new product It is about the utility that that product provides, not the product itself

Ie When someone buys a drill, they are buying a 10mm hole

Perspective VS Heuristic


An appropriate representation of the problem at hand that will make the process of solving it (i.e., applying a heuristic) simple and effective


A solution to a problem once it is represented in an amenable way (i.e., through an appropriate perspective)

Learn to move on

"Don't get married to your own ideas" - If don't revolve your actions around your ideas/your passions. An example of this is continuously building out a product that is not succeeding.

Use the path of least resistance - aim for the low hanging fruit.

Seeds-driven vs Needs-driven innovation


Process of innovation starting with the capability that a technology can offer


Process of innovation starting with the deep understanding of a customer's needs and wants


A systematic process of innovation that involves deconstruction of a technology to its core functions and value offerings

Parameters of value What provides value to a product? What I get and what it costs me

Parameter = ability to measure

Ie affordability, Safe

"Improve the convenience of..."

Last updated