🟢Shadow Drive

“Shadow drive is a second layer on top of the Solana Chain - as apposed to its own standalone chain”.

Shadow Drive IPFS - Solana based IPFS (permission less cloud for storing data) powered by the Solana blockchain. Shadow Drive is a second layer protocol that has it's own proof of stake.

$SHDW - coin https://shdw.genesysgo.com/

Shadow Drive VS Arweave

Shadow Drive


Built for Solana

Multi chain

Proof of history - on chain storage


Requires consensus (on chain)

Does not require consensus (on chain)

Aims to be permission-less/trust-less

Requires centralised team

Key terms:

  • CDN

  • State machine

  • I/O

  • Ceph - https://ceph.com/assets/pdfs/weil-crush-sc06.pdf

  • Horizontal & Vertical scaling

  • Object based storage

  • Blocks - new block created every 400 milliseconds

  • Ledger (blockchains are ledgers) - record history of how things have changed over time & all of those changes combined give you the current “state”. Solana is about “Accounts” & the “State” of those accounts

Last updated