πŸͺ™$BLUR token

What is the $BLUR token and has it changed the marketplace meta?

Blur - NFT trading platform and aggregator

$BLUR - Token associated with the Blur NFT trading platform. Native governance token


  • NFT Trading platform that launched March 2023

  • Aggregates a bunch of existing NFT trading tools onto one platform

  • No trading fees

  • Choose to pay royalties

  • Basically the best of every marketplace & trading platform in one tight package

  • Took over Opensea market share in December 2023

  • Airdropped Governance tokens in Jan/Feb 2023

  • Users want to be eligible for airdrops - all migrating to Blur

  • Apparently no utility for Governance token as of yet

Key points

  • Launched March 2023

  • Now the largest marketplace by user count and trade volume

  • Gamified approach to issuing tokens to users

  • Care packages tied to users "Loyalty score"

  • Loyalty score included listing an uncommon vs blue chip NFT, amount of volume a particular user-traded on the platform

  • Rarity: Uncommon, Rare, Legendary & Mythical

  • Three airdrop Phases

  • One in May, One in October & one in December

  • Focus on pro traders

  • Zero marketplace fees, optional royalty payments, portfolio analysis, sweeping and sniping tools, collection depth charts, real-time data updates

NFT market volume (2023)

$BLUR Airdrop distribution

Last updated