πŸ”Establishing a new VC


Venture Capital vs Private equity fund

Fund structure options

The internationally preferred structure is the limited partnership

Options in Australia

  • Bespoke unit trust


  • Venture capital limited partnerships

  • Unit trusts/Managed Investment trusts (MITs)

Unit trusts/Managed Investment trusts (MITs)

  • Tax flow-through vehicle

  • Reduced level of withholding tax

  • Managed by a Trustee

  • Reduced level of withholding tax

Withholding tax - refers to the money that an employer deducts from an employee's gross wages and pays directly to the government.

Venture capital limited partnerships (VCLP)

  • Tax flow-through vehicle

  • Encourage foreign investment in Australian venture capital

  • No tax advantage to Australian investors

  • Must invest in eligible venture capital investments (excludes property development, land ownershup, banking, providing capital to others, leasing, factoring, securitisation, insurance, construction or the acquisition of infrastructure facilities and making passive investments.

  • Minimum fund size of $10 Million (no restriction on maximum size)

ESVCLP Early stage venture capital limited partners

  • Income/capital gains from the disposal of eligible venture capital investments are exempt from tax in Australia in the hands of domestic and foreign investors

  • Tax free incentive to encourage investment in Australian startups/ventures

  • Approved investment plan

  • First investment must not exceed $50 Million

  • Committed capital of a minimum $10 million, not more than $100 million

Last updated