
Decentralized Identity platform

Earth ID is a pioneering technology that combines artificial intelligence, video processing, deep hashing, and cryptography to provide a secure, decentralized identity verification system. A critical component of Earth ID is the Deep Hashing model, which maps video frames to a unique binary code for each user.

EarthID is a decentralized Identity platform that enables organizations to issue and verify digital ID and credentials securely and seamlessly. We helps organizations prevent identity frauds, foster trust, and reduce costs, while empowering users with data ownership, privacy, and consent. EarthID offers 3 key capabilities - Digital Wallets, verifiable credentials, and Zero Knowledge Proofs


"biometric-based multi-factor authentication"

"distributed ledger technology" Hashing - efficient data structure, storing data in an array

Fuzzy Commitment Scheme - error-tolerant cryptographic scheme designed to handle the natural variability in biometric data

Deep Hashing - <come back to this>,Pairwise%2DSupervised%20Hashing%20(DPSH)

Behavioral biometrics - Analyzes a user's digital physical and cognitive behavior to recognise them. For example, using a video of a user to monitor their micro-patters to determine who they are.

federated learning - collaborative learning, machine learning techniques that trains an algorithm via multiple independent devices/sessions. Decentralized learning!

Deep Hashing

YouTube for learning

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